Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013 Missng and Met Campaign

Diabloque Emporio Phraun Govertish-Government 
2013 Missng and Met Campaign 

2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainments - Backstreet Boys on Bigger for 2013 You Wish I was There spotlight on blogspot-Google enter

this are very for you all, that are possible on your that imagine are out,
is none that are announce for you 
You Wish I Was There campaign 

2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainments - Vanessa Carlton on White House for 2013 You Wish I Was There spotlight  on blogspot-Google enter

to scare little from this bottom heart,
but World still heard 
that really sound are coming,
shout it means 
that call are ego
some night were kept stake 
cloudy were end..
spot on you tonight ..
are I was there..
here for you..
thank you..

Diabloque Govertish-Government of the Firaun 3`r are going to set campaign humble that sound are not in positive reason,
2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainment - Dream Theatre on Another Day for You Wish I Was There campaign on Blogsite-Google enter

Diabloque Govertish-Government  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

memberships of the Goveree days - Summits

ADSol Sublime Court - Trailblazer 
memberships of the Goveree days - Summits 2014 Missng and Met 

Japan`s - Shinzo Abe

 Norrtiss Koriea - Kim Jong Un

South Korea - Park Geun Hye

Sublime Justice Court - Trailblazers CORPS AFFAIRES Judge Rev. PDT. Petrus Pamudji S.Th. M.Th. M.Mec.

Indonesia - Duches Ir. ING. Tri Rismaharini S.T. M.Mec. 

Australia - P.M. Tony Abbott

 New Zealand - P.M. John Key

 Spore - Lee Kwan Yeow

Malaysia - Dato Najib Tun Razak

 Bangladesh - P.M. Syeikh Hasina

India - P.M. Mamohan Singh

Moonson - P.M. Li Kegiang 

 Russia - P.M. Dmitry Medvedev

 Egypt - Czar El Fahd III`s

Iraq - Pres. Jalal Talabani

Iran - Pres. Hassan Rouhani

Kuwait - P.M. Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah.

Emmirate Arab - P.M. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

 Israel - P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu

Palestine - Pres. Rami Hamdallah

 British the Greater`s - Queen II`s Mary Ellyzabet

Netherland - Queen II`s Betrix

Greeceland - Queen IV`s Anne Marie

Yugoslav - Queen II`s Marie of Yugoslavia

Algeir - Pres. Abdelaziz Bouteflika

Afgani - Pres. Hamid Karzai

 Republic of the America`s - Pres. Sir Dr. Ev. ING. Barack Obama M.Th. M.Mec.

Royakke of the America`s - Emporio ADSol Sublime Maids Queencie ING. Elizabeth Gaynes M.Eng.

Chez - Prince Ramzan Kadyrov

Herzegovina - P.M. Vjekoslav Bevanda

Polandia - P.M. Donald Tusk

Ukraine - P.M. Mykola Azarov

 Norway - P.M. Erna Sollberg

Italy - P.M. Enrico Letta

France - P.M. Jean-Marc Ayrault

 PNG - P.M. Peter O`Neill

Philippines - Pres.Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III

Viet - Pres.Truong Tan Sang

Burmese - P.M. Aung San Suu ki

Ceylon - P.M. D. M. Jayaratne

 Madagaska - P.M.Omer Beriziky

 Central of Africa - P.M. Idris Deby

South Africa - Pres. Jacob Zuma

Iceland - P.M. Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson

Serbia - P.M. Ivica Dačić

 Denmarc - Prince Frederik VII`s

Thailand - King Buol

Romania - Prince Radu of Rome XIXMVIII`s

Norway - Soviette - Queen VI`s Sonja Mary 

Bvl- Pres.Plamen Oresharski

continued ..

the board of Committee of the 2014 the Goveree days, White House of Royakke