Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013 Missng and Met Campaign

Diabloque Emporio Phraun Govertish-Government 
2013 Missng and Met Campaign 

2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainments - Backstreet Boys on Bigger for 2013 You Wish I was There spotlight on blogspot-Google enter

this are very for you all, that are possible on your that imagine are out,
is none that are announce for you 
You Wish I Was There campaign 

2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainments - Vanessa Carlton on White House for 2013 You Wish I Was There spotlight  on blogspot-Google enter

to scare little from this bottom heart,
but World still heard 
that really sound are coming,
shout it means 
that call are ego
some night were kept stake 
cloudy were end..
spot on you tonight ..
are I was there..
here for you..
thank you..

Diabloque Govertish-Government of the Firaun 3`r are going to set campaign humble that sound are not in positive reason,
2013 Copyrights Reserved Madsnakemperor Entertainment - Dream Theatre on Another Day for You Wish I Was There campaign on Blogsite-Google enter

Diabloque Govertish-Government  

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