Saturday, October 17, 2015


All statements are clear with name & condition as T X V are creation above, Signage are engage name as, 

P.V.M. Nusantara™ VX Riduan Kamiela SH
P.M. Nusantara™ Xanana Gusmao 
Mayor KMS Tri Rismaharini 
President Negara R.I. Sr. Joko Widodo Sh.
Governor Prov. Jawa Timur Soekarwo SH.

are approved as league Missing and Match™ added Signaturealt as charged by duty in MegaLittium NETTO MAX™ to composed as adding subdiary & acceptance works for Inspection - Investigated by Ordinary check up P21 Cause Keg Tide Bounderlip Terrytoriealt LIBBY 1 9 8 0, by. 

Ev. Drs. Ir. Hari PS SH. St.I as General Comma-Deci inspectorrate divs Library Watanabe & Assoc. - Watt's Vinntag - HUNT's - HERTz - BRUT's & Mirage Concordia Centre 1 9 8 7 

On area terry Circuit City Centre Park Parlor Nusantara™ Surabaya (now Grand Redwood Cafe™) address : 

Java Paragon Suite & Hotels (JAVA-iOS X)
Jl. Mayjen Sungkono, Surabaya 60252 
Tel. (private to call Mayor Tri Rismaharini)

Collect to every Mayor who held Badger & P21 Bounderlip as acceptance new Monetter inventories pavillon stovçkn Açkquammareinn Excallibourre by. MOVCI® E S T O N I V + V S T O R I E V + P R V D V + Emporio Imperial Cusson's Mulia 

So, invitation are clear by self, & mayor on local govs 
Thank you for visit 


Dunskiçkert Fluxxe KRŒNT 
Ethan Hawk Watanabe X-
Xiroxi BUTTON Watanabe X
Aries Kurnia Kusuma
Harman Oakley Kardon 

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