Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Schette Missing and Match™ Committee agenda meeting

Diabloqüè™ Goverttis
Missing and Match™ Summitts Express Note 10.3
Australia - Japan - Madagascar
March 3, 2017 - June 3, 2017

Calling Agenda Candidate Committee record
- Xanana Gusmao
- Riduan Kamiela
- Lee Hsien Loong
- Najib tun Razak
- Shinzo Abe
- Malcolm Turnbull
- Vladimir Putin
- Benjamin Netanyahu
- Qommeni Ayyel
- Hassan Rouhani
- John Key
- Willem Dafoe
- Mahmoud Ahmeddinejad
- Keanu Reeves
- Matthew Broderick
- Jean Rino
- Sheryl Crow
- George Clooney
- Rowan Atkinson
- Jim Carey
- Donald F. Trump
- Koizumi
- Dr. Fei Mo
- Wesley Snipe
- Richard Here
- Eddie Murphy

Officer Committee Candidates :
- Bob Jack Soleman
- Soebandrio SH
- Bambang Dwi Hartono
- Probosoetedjo
- Titiek Soeharto
- Renny Djayusman
- Tokol
- Kabool
- Sonny Tulung
- Anjasmara
- Mike Mohede
- Gillian Anderson
- Norol Arifin
- Iwan Fals
- Permadi SH
- El Manik
- Ully Artha
- Eko DJ
- Doyok
- Kadir
- Justin Beiber
- Oprah Winfrey
- Michelle Obama
- Tony Abbott MHR
- David Duchovny
- Dr. Mehmed Oz
- George W. Bush
- Efranda Stevanus
- Vanilla Ice
- Indecent Obsession
- Duran Duran
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Iwa K
- Saykoji
- Seal
- Hendra Jackson
- Abu Rizal Bakrie
- Martianus Zega
- Sonny Gunawan
- Yenni Gunawan
- Yuliana Gunawan
- Budi Gunawan
- Mey Ling
- Gunawan
- Gunalan
- Lie Foek Seng
- Elisa Fan Gunawan
- Djun Lien
- Ari Sigit Soeharto
- Dr. Boediono
- Hatta Rajasa
- Dr. Hu Djien Tao
- Jeffrey Waworuntu
- William Jeffrey Hiendarto
- Adi Yenawan Gunawan
- Joyce Veronica Hendarto
- Suk Yong
- Lukas Hadi Lesmono
- Helen Felicia
- Felicia Gunawan
- Mey Meilan
- Yulia Saputra
- Yulia Evandari
- Bobby Brown
- Ice T
- Bonethugs n' Harmony
- LL Cool J
- P Diddy
- Owen Wilson Trump
- Helmi Yahya
- Tantowi Yahya
- Ja Rule
- Xzibit
- and more

Explained, Draft Notes Expanded for build characters cabinet add builder packs as theme of FREEDOMINIZER™ Missing and Match™ Summitts Express Note 10.3
Contract setup to applied as scenery or CV Historical you have to imagine for draft compose add your creativity as you will build until ESC Specialized Legal in Valid add VoiS as your league Claire to you.

Date Contract : March 3, 2016
Finish to date ESC Clerk : June 3, 2016
Maintained Meeting Glade : July 5, 2016 on Brighton Le-Sand Novotel Suite of Sydney, Australia
With materials support as,
- Identity Claire add Status Data Statistic Reformed Carbonated
- Identity Card in origin born
- Proposed Profiles Identity before in Certificate Carbon Dioxide
- Proposal Materials support on Mission - Visionable Fashion Born Imagination
- Relationship add Cabinet Folder Authority
- Parental Commando to signage as Duty in Committee Commissioned Goverttis Kaiserslautern T X V | T V M CDi Thriump Palmer Mulia
- Government Relationship Active / Passage Follower
- Non Friends as Junky Trash add Aliens or outside or have God to bondage you user narcotics Carbonate DOIXA
- Invitation Meeting or Nobble bubs are using Dept Kehakiman Mulia Supremmacies ADsol Sublimt 10000/11111 within Duty Officer on PANTERR XLM St Regis Place Sydney, Australia
- Certified Defense Catcher Fast Removal Deputy or some exercise to made defense obsession call into duty finished
- No have Disabled Body in fatal infection
- Rich have temperature to collect or draw Moneys so expensive with criterion of Genuine & Immitation Brand Product to reject as added Made in China or Someelse to made duty as Claire
- Imagination are not illustrated, illusion & even to hallucinations there have approved fact in each case
- Active on Government Organized as duty on proven add notes or diary to Principle PANTERR who captured Competition to reach commando in scene talent only
- Active to Pro Families who cap with biz there networks understand communications add Language Expert, Clear & Fluently
- Have good marked to style brainmaker into the duty date with materials support
- Good Governance are come from Dynamic identity side by side with time capacity captured

There is condition for Candidates forth open account to commons, while have ®twitter account as, DynHVRMON will given from St Regis Place Sydney, Australia add Parlor Letter Gram-Post-it!™ signage, Aries Kurnia Kusuma the Author Draft Kaiserslautern T X V | T V M CDi Thriump Palmer Mulia Ethan Hawk Watanabe Xdt Ø K K Ē R-X I I M V-V I - M C M V I (Xiroxi Büttøn Watanabe / Harman Oakley Kardon / Daimmen Demonsk Ommein IIIx / NedLlyod DiamondBrite*™ ŒTNÆ KRŒNNT / Andrew Duncan Woodsmith / Giorgio Ferdi Armani Armish Corleone)

Thank you for attention


Aries Kurnia Kusuma
Ethan Hawk Watanabe X
Xiroxi Button Watanabe
Andrew Duncan Woodsmith
Harman Oakley Kardon X

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